ej ej takie tam glupie pytanie ktorego nie ogarniam, jak jest 0,01 : 12 to ile wyjdzie bo ja kiepska z matmy jestem ?
0,01:12 = 1/100 : 12 = 1/100 * 1/12 = 1/1200
0,01:12 = 1/100
1/100: 12 = 1/100
1/100* 1/12 =1/200
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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0,01:12 = 1/100 : 12 = 1/100 * 1/12 = 1/1200
0,01:12 = 1/100
1/100: 12 = 1/100
1/100* 1/12 =1/200