E-LEARNING AT SMAI AL-AZHAR KELAPA GADING JAKARTA Fadhillah – 1401090562 Jurusan Sistem Informasi dan Manajemen Universitas Bina Nusantara Jl. Kebun J

Autor Farida Setiawan

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E-LEARNING AT SMAI AL-AZHAR KELAPA GADING JAKARTA Fadhillah – 1401090562 Jurusan Sistem Informasi dan Manajemen Universitas Bina Nusantara Jl. Kebun Jeruk Raya No 27 Kemanggisan - Jakarta Barat, email : [email protected]

Rudy Aryanto S.E., M.M. - Nuril Kusumawardhani Soeprapto Putri, S.T., M.K.M. Abstract Al-Azhar Kelapa Gading is an educational institution located in North Jakarta. To support the delivery and dissemination of knowledge to the students, especially the required material they need something that helps the process of delivering the knowledge. In the process of learning, there are some problems were encountered such as the difficulty of students to understand the learning material because of the teaching methods that are less attractive and the number of school activities at the weekend causing students will choose to dismiss themselves when they should go to school. Therefore, it required an e-learning system that can be used to support the teaching and learning process. The research methodology used includes the methodology of data collection, such as field studies, interviews with relevant sources, as well as literature, while the design method used is the method Object Oriented and Analysis Design and Analysis Methods used include five force analysis is also porter and a SWOT analysis as well as ADBE. Results obtained in the form of a website that can be accessed by students, teachers, and parents that contains the appropriate learning materials as well as the acceptance of the technology applied. This thesis can be summed up with the needs of SMAI AL-Azhar Kelapa Gading to meet the needs of students. This is expected to support the learning process, so that the learning process have a good quality. Keywords: e-Learning, ADBE, Al-Azhar Kelapa Gading

INTRODUCTION As the Ministry of Education and Culture which lead by Mr. Baswedan said that education is one of an aspect that should be noted by everyone in this country. Not only that, but he also said that the importance of ICT or Information Communication Technology in educational industry. E-learning is one of a way to proves the used of technology in educational industry so Indonesia could be compete with another country such as Singapore, Malaysia, and also Vietnam which have been declared as the most developed country for using e-learning. The analysis will tell us about the problem that arise, for example that the teacher and also the student felt the dificulties over excessive hours of studying hours at school which is now is 42 hours/week. By that we can found the purpose of this analysis are to find the needs of the learner at SMAI AL-Azhar Kelapa Gading for e-learning program that will be build, analyse the process that currently running at SMAI Al-Azhar Kelapa Gading and finding the problem exists, and also making a virtual classroom for e-learning process at SMAI Al-Azhar Kelapa Gading with e-learning design which is appropiate to be used by the educational actor involved.

RESEARCH METHODS The research methodology that is being used for this research is descriptive methodology. And the data collection has been done by doing field studies, interview with educational actors involved, and also spread a related questionnaire. This research is being analyzed with Porter's Five Forces, Matrix IFE, Matrix EFE, SWOT, QSPM, need and learner analysis, and also ADBE (analyse, Design, Build, Evaluate) method for design a prefect e-learning and object oriented analysis design (OOAD) for its designing method.

RESULT Porter’s Five Forces Model, of competitive analysis is widely used approach for developing strategiesin many industries. The intensity of competition among firms varies widely across industries and to be able to know how the opportunities and competition for SMAI Al-Azhar Kelapa Gading Threath of New Entrants (Weak)


Rivalry Among


Power of


Power of




Buyers (Strong)

Threat of Substitute Product/Service (Strong)

Picture 1 Porter’s Five Forces Model

Matrix IFE, this strategy formulation tool summarizes and evaluates the major strength and weaknesses in the functional areas of a business, and it also provides a basis for identifying and evaluating relationships among those areas Table 1 Matrix IFE

Matrix EFE, allows strategist to summarize and evaluate economic, social, cultural, demograpic, environmental, political, governmental, legal, technological, and competitive information Table 2 Matrix EFE

Matrix Internal External, obtained from the IFE and EFE matrix calculation to determine the position of the company and whether the strategies that can be used in these positions.

Picture 2 Matrix Internal and External Based on internal and external matrix above can be said that SMAI Al-Azhar Kelapa Gading is in position IV to build and mantain is the main purpose of this position. By that, this company strategies that can be applied is the market penetration strategies and product development strategy.

Matrix SWOT Analysis, is an important matching tool that help managers develop four type of strategies SO, WO, ST, WT Table 3 Matrix SWOT

QSPM, At this stage, the authors calculate the weight of the matrix IFE and EFE matrix to determine the appropriate alternative strategy for SMAI A;-Azhar Kelapa Gading Table 4 Quantitative Strategic Planning

Based on the calculation of the alternative strategies; market penetration strategy and product development strategy, Product Development strategy is the strategy most likely to be used by SMAI Al-Azhar Kelapa Gading. Need and Learner analysis, this analysis used as an analysis to know which of the following feature are the most useful and important for e-learning program. And the result of this analysis said that the most useful and needed feature are Discussion Forum, learning material that easily accessed (easily downloaded), Theory Explanation, and also Student Information such as exam score, absence, personal data, etc.

RESUME AND SUGGESTION Resume After the writer analized and design e-crm system at SMAI Al-Azhar Kelapa Gading, we may conclude that: 1. The most important e-learning requirement are Discussion Forum, learning material that easily accessed (easily downloaded), Theory Explanation, and also Student Information 2. The learning process that currently running is a traditional learning which the students and teacher doing a face to face learning 42 hours/week (5days) 3. Information system which design and build by the writer is a virtual classroomand devided into synchronous training and asynchronous training Suggestion Based on writer analysis and design for this thesis, the writer suggests: 1. This information system built could be developed as an application program which connected perfectly to the database so the program could be running properly. 2. Connection of other educational service could be work such as school payment, library activities, etc. 3. The security data could be work to the next level which is greater than before. So, the user doesn’t have to change their password manually but it has been integrated to the system. 4. This system could be operate as a proper application program which could be downloaded by any other platform like iOs and Android.

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WRITER PROFILE Fadhillah born in Jakarta 7th June 1992. Fadhillah sucessfully graduated her bachelor degree at Bina Nusantara University, School of Business Management department of Information System and Management in 2015. And today she active in a Non Government Organization named Sahabat Anak Manggarai as a teacher and educator.

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