Dragonfly Dragonfly is a carnivorous insect that belong to the order of Odonata. They are agile fliersand their flying skills can cover a wide area. They inhabited various area such as forest, garden, river, lake, rice field and also around our house. They start their live as an aquatic larva. They spend several years in this form and live in freshwater.
The body of a dragonfly consist of head, thorax and abdomen. The head is round with two large and multifaceted eyes on it. The size of their eyes are almost as big as their head. The color can be blue, green, yellow, red, gray or brown. The thorax is long. This is where their wings and legs are located. They have two pairs of transparent wings and three pairs of legs on it. Their hindwings are bigger than their forewings and they cannot be folded. They have a very long tail. This tail is actually their abdomen which contains some of their important organs such as reproductive organs and some organs that took part in their digestion process. They can curl this tail during the mating process.
Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Verbs (kata-kata kerja) dan Adjectives (kata-kata sifat) dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Kata kerja (Verb) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan aksi dalam kalimat.
Kata sifat (Adjective) adalah kata yang berfungsi memodifikasi kata benda yang menjadi rujukannya dalam kalimat.
Semoga membantu ya.