October 2019 1 111 Report
Drag an drop the words that best describe the metaphor of each sentence.

The job was a blank , any one can do it.
His face was a blank , he was really suffering with that pain.
The house was in the middle of a blank no one lives around them.
Casey is a right blank , she is able to stay awake for all night.
The lion was a blank when he was not hungry.
Peter is a blank in the classroom, he knows almost everything.
This news are blank , now I’ll stay calm.
Time is blank , you are not allow to waste it.
She was a blank in her own home, she was unable to to anywhere.
Scott was blank for months after his puppy died.

1) owl 2) prisoner 3) shining star 4) thundercloud 5) desert 6) breeze 7) blue 8) music to my ears 9) money 10) lamb
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