Dopasuj wyrazy z ramki, aby powstały spójne wyrażenia (III gim.)
Pierwsza ramka: climb, get, hitch hike, look, put, sit, ski, turn
Druga ramka: across, after, down, down, on, off, out of, up
1. ____ _____ the US
2. ____ _____ a tree
3. ____ _____ a jacket
4. ____ _____ bed.
I te co uzupełniłam (dobrze?):
5. sit down next to me.
6. look after your sister.
7. climb on a mountain.
8. turn off the TV.
+ zadanie ekstra! Popraw zdania, które są napisane błędnie (pod względem gramatycznym):
1. He's been in that class since 3 years.
2. In 2060 men will probably can have babies.
3. I think Manchester United will to lose on Saturday.
4. The best heme park I had ever gone to is Alton Towers.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. hitch hike across
2. climb up
3. put on
4. get out of
5. ok
6. ok
7. climb up lub climb down - ale to jest potrzebne do 2, wiec ski down
8. ok
1. ..class for 3...
2. ...probably be able to have...
3. ...will lose...
4. theme park I have ever...