August 2018 1 33 Report

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Jest ktoś naprawdę dobry z angielskiego i przetłumaczy mi to (to projekt)Due to wide interest in the BAS scholarship programme, The Selection Committee extends the application deadline until 28 February, going by the date of the postal stamp. Applications sent past that date will not be considered. The British Alumni Society is proud to announce the 2011 round of applications for its Scholarship Scheme. Currently, there are 5 Sixth Form scholarships available under the British Alumni Society Scholarship Scheme, in the following boarding schools in the UK:1. The Cheltenham Ladies' College - (belonging to the Girls' Schools Association) - girls only may apply2. Durham School (belonging to the Headmasters' Conference) - boys and girls may apply3. Ellesmere College (belonging to the Headmasters' Conference) - boys only may apply4. St Leonard's - Mayfield (belonging to the Girls' Schools Association) - girls only may apply5. Windermere School (belonging to the Round Square) - boys and girls may applyClick on the links above to obtain detailed information about individual schools.Any additional scholarships which may become available will be announced on the website.The parental income limit to be specified in the application process will be simplified. This limit is now 100.000 PLN NET total parental income in 2010, instead of equivalent of 20.000 GBP.The purpose of this change is accomodating fluctuations in exchange rate and giving parents a reliable reference point. The declarations and application forms provided will be changed accordingly.The scholarships are open to students in their first year of secondary school (pierwsza klasa liceum). The scholarships will cover 100% of the tuition and boarding cost, leaving the parents to cover the cost of travel, uniform (if required) and so-called extras, i.e.: the cost of a school trip, a theatre outing, or certain after-school activities, if chosen by the student. These would not normally exceed the cost of the student's living and attending a school in Poland.The schools, which have provided such amazing opportunities through the BAS Scholarship Scheme all excel academically and, in addition, offer a very rich programme of extracurricular activities. Detailed information on all schools can be found HERE.Applications will be processed by BAS. Detailed requirements and rules can be found HERE. The Application Form can be downloaded HERE. The schools have placed a financial limitation on the background of eligible candidates. The financial eligibility statement, to be signed by the Parents and attached to the application can be downloaded HERE.The deadline for applications is the 15th of February 2011.BAS Scholarship 2010 nominees impressions are available HERE. For additional information please contact Marzena Reich, BAS Scholarship Officer This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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