October 2018 1 9 Report

do podanych fragmentow dopasuj odpowiednie pytanie. jedno zostalo podane dodatkowo.

1.alanis is a canadian singer. she is million times better than celine.
she started in her road to fame when she was just ten years old. she used to be in an american tv comedy programme. the part she used to play was the girlfriend of one of the main characters. she had to compete against 599 other girls to get the part.

2.luck might be part of the reason for alanis` success but most of the reason is hard work. she used to dream of being famous. when was six she used to have piano classes. when she was seven she used to have dance classes.

3.yes she loved it. the only problem was that she used to receive hate-mail form 1--years-old girls who were jealous. it was horrible but she still wanted to be famous.

4.not exactly. it might be something to do with her parents. the were very ambitious for her and they were very pushy. alanis has a twin brother but her parents never pushed him so much.

5.yes, but she thinks happiness is more important. people recognise her everywhere she hoes. she hates this. on the other hand, she has a lot of money so she does not need to worry about it. sometimes she worries that people might get tired of her songs.

6.yes, but a lot of her songs are emotional and angry from her past experiences this is why a british magazine recently said. if you want to be alanis, peel 25 onions and sing. charming.

A. did she enjoy being on television?
B. is she happy?
C.Did she want to be famous?
D. Did she start her career as a singer?
E. Is she a typical teenager?
F.Does she enjoy being famous now?
G. is she a lucky devil or a determined person?

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Dopasuj pytanie do odpowiedniego fragmentu. jedno zostało podane dodatkowo. 1.alanis is a canadian singer. she is million times better than celine. she started in her road to fame when she was just ten years old. she used to be in an american tv comedy programme. the part she used to play was the girlfriend of one of the main characters. she had to compete against 599 other girls to get the part.2.luck might be part of the reason for alanis` success but most of the reason is hard work. she used to dream of being famous. when was six she used to have piano classes. when she was seven she used to have dance classes.3.yes she loved it. the only problem was that she used to receive hate-mail form 10-years-old girls who were jealous. it was horrible but she still wanted to be famous.4.not exactly. it might be something to do with her parents. the were very ambitious for her and they were very pushy. alanis has a twin brother but her parents never pushed him so much.5.yes, but she thinks happiness is more important. people recognise her everywhere she hoes. she hates this. on the other hand, she has a lot of money so she does not need to worry about it. sometimes she worries that people might get tired of her songs.6.yes, but a lot of her songs are emotional and angry from her past experiences this is why a british magazine recently said. if you want to be alanis, peel 25 onions and sing. charming.A. did she enjoy being on television?B. is she happy?C.Did she want to be famous?D. Did she start her career as a singer?E. Is she a typical teenager?F.Does she enjoy being famous now?G. is she a lucky devil or a determined person?
Przetłumaczy mi ktoś to na j.polski z j.niemieckiego ? :) nie translator. `sorry kein Bett mehr frai`, sagt die junge Grau an der Rezeptiom. Enttauscht nimmt Jean Paul seinen schweren Rucksack ab und setzt sich auf den Boden. Der junge Granzose aus Grenoble musste i Zurich umsteigen and sein Zug ist mit zwei Stunden Verspatung in Wien-Westbahnhof, angekommen. Und in der Jugendherberge Brigittenau sind jetzt alle 334 Betten belegt. Trotz seiner Reservierung, denn Reservierung gelten bis 18 Uhr. Wer spater ankommt, lauft Gefahr, kein Bett zu bekommen. Und das hat leider Jean Paul erlebt! In den Sommermonaten sind Wiens Jugendherbergen vollig ausgebucht. Kein Wunder bei dem Preis und dem angeboten Komfort. Fur 17 Euro pro Nacht (Frushstuck inklusive) gehort Wien mi seinen Jugedherbergen zu den billigsten Stadten Europas. Zwei- bis Vierbett-Zimmer sind die Norm. Alle Zimmer haben Waschbecken und WC. Duschen sind auf der Etage. ``Herrlich`, sagt Bettina aus Dortmund, wahrend sie sich in der Kantine aums Abendmenu anstellt, `fur 3,50 Euro bekommt man sogar in gutes Essen. Ich war schon in anderen Jugendherbergen sind nicht nur fur junge Leute oder sogennte Rucksacktouristen. Immer ofter nehmen auch Senioren und Familien das gunstige Angebot wahr. Inzwischen hat sich fur den verspateten Jean Paul eine Losung gefunden: Schnell hat man in einem Seminarraum der Jugendherberge ein Nottbett aufgestellt. `Morgen bekkomst du dann einen ordentlichen Schlafplatz`, versichert ihm die Frau an der Rezeption, und fugt hinzu: ,,Bei uns hat noch keiner unter einer Brucke schlafen mussen.`

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