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Powiem cos od siebie..a wy ułuzcie..
Bardzo lbie mój pókój.Jest niebiesko-żółty.Mam niebieskie meble.Mój pokój jest mały,ale długi.Naścianach są różne obrazy,naklejki,plakaty aktorów.W moim pokoju znajduje się telewizor.Często słucham muzyki,odrabiam lekcje i czytam książki w moim pokoju.Mam własny pokój-nie dziele go z siostrą.Bardzo lubię mój pokój poniewaz czuje w nim swobode.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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i like my room. It is blue and yellow. I have blue furniture. My room is small but it's long. on the wall i've actors posters, pictures and stickers. In my room i've tv. i often listening music,working homework and reading books. I've my room. I like my room becouse it is very cozy
I really like my room. It is blue and yellow. I have blue furniture. My room is small but long.On walls are decoration: various paintings, stickers, posters aktorów.In my room is TV.I often listen to music, do my homework and read books in my room. I have my own room, not sharing it with my sister. I really like my room because I feel it freely.