Mam napisac na jutro opowiadanie o duchach jakieś zdażenie wymyślec.
Jeżeli chcecie to znajdzcie w necie lub jak mieliście tą samą prace wklejcie screena.
Bardzo was prosze :)
Luuuuub wam ułatwie sprawe i dam gotowca tylko trzeba powstawiac cos swojego w nawiasy na temat ducha, już wam pisze.
One day (when?), I was in (where?). I was with (who?). It was (weather?). We were (doing what?).
We were (doing what?) when, suddenly, we heard (what noise?) in (what clothes?)
It/He/She was (doing what?)
We felt (how?) and we (did what?). Then we (did what?). In the end, we told (who?) about the ghost. They (did/didn't) believe us!
tak jak jest napisane powinny byc odstępy tak jakby akapity.
Prosze o pomoc, z góry dzięki :D
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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S encounter with the spirit
It was a beautiful summer day, the same as everyone. When I woke up I did not know yet that I will remember this day for a long time.
After washing up and eating breakfast I decided to go for a long walk, because it was beautiful weather. I walked a long time until I noticed that I do not recognize the place where I found myself. Do not be scared, because I like to learn new surroundings. I looked around for an interesting subject to explore. My eyes stopped at some old ruins. I walked closer, I was wandering around them, and found that it used to have to be a palace. After a little thought went inside. I went, I watched the interior of the building but the whole time I felt that someone was watching me. Chill went through me when I heard footsteps behind him, but when I watched one for me, it was not. I decided it was time to go home, but something stopped me. I saw a figure at the end of the corridor. Fear paralyzed all my muscles. I could not move. Then the creature spoke to me:
- What are you doing here?
- I'm just visiting. Are you a ghost? - I asked.
- Yes. I was the owner of the mansion. Once upon a time I did not see anyone here, and I had the opportunity to talk with anyone. You can do something for me? Come here every week and leave this place a flower. - Said spectrum and melted shocked and I went out of the palace. All the way back home was thinking about this strange day.
Complied with the request of the spirit. Every week I go to that place and leave a flower plucked along the way. I will never forget that meeting.