DIALOG Jesteś w sklepie z ubraniami i coś oglądasz dla siebie. Pytasz o : * takie samo ubranie lecz w innym kolorze * w takim samym rozmiarze * możliwości przymierzenia
Jesteś w sklepie muzycznym CD pytasz o: - czy poszukiwana płyta jest dostępna - możliwości zamówienia - cenę
Chcesz wynająć pokój. Dzwonisz do agencji aby zasięgnąć wiecej informacji i pytasz o: * wysokośc czynszu * okolice w jakich znajduje sie pokoj * dogodny termin obejrzenia pokoju PILNE
S- Can I help you? C- Oh yes. I like this dress but I'm looking for it in other colour. Is it? S- Of course, What kind of colour of dress do you want? C- I think black is perfect. Can you show me some pattern? S- No problem. There are black dresses. C- But is it the same size as this dress? S- Unfortunately no but I will find for your size. C- Oh really thanks. Is it possible to try on this dress? S- Of course, here are fitting rooms. C- Thank you very much.
C- Oh yes. I like this dress but I'm looking for it in other colour. Is it?
S- Of course, What kind of colour of dress do you want?
C- I think black is perfect. Can you show me some pattern?
S- No problem. There are black dresses.
C- But is it the same size as this dress?
S- Unfortunately no but I will find for your size.
C- Oh really thanks. Is it possible to try on this dress?
S- Of course, here are fitting rooms.
C- Thank you very much.