Denias: your school is big and beautiful, noval. it has not only excellent achievements, but also impressive buildings. no wonder, many students intend to study here. Noval: thank you. i am really proud of my school. 1. what does noval`s school look like? 2. why do many students intend to study at noval`s school? 3. what does denias feel when he sees noval`s school? 4. denias says "it has not only excellent achievements,....." what does `it` refer to?
1. beautiful and big 2. because the school have excellent achievements 3. he feel excited 4. the school
maaf kalau jawabannya ada yg salah
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1. big and beautiful. 2.because,it have excellent achievements, and also impressive buildings. 3.surprised 4.the school
2. because the school have excellent achievements
3. he feel excited
4. the school
maaf kalau jawabannya ada yg salah
2.because,it have excellent achievements, and also impressive buildings.
4.the school