Dam naj
napisz o co najczęstrze sprzeczacie się z rodzicami lub rodzeństwem - po angielsku
(o telewizor,o przyjaciół , o granie na komputerze, o długie rozmowy pezez telefon,wracanie poźno do domu . prosze o rozwinięcie .
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I have a wonderfull parents but sometimes we have arguments, it is not easy to stay always calm. Sometimes i have arguments with my parents because i like spending time with my boyfriend and we spending very much time toogether. So, i don't have so much time for my homework and sometimes i get a bad marks. They are so much angry because they are fear about my future
Iusuallyarguewith the familyonthe computer andthetelevisionsittinglongsomeone alwayswants togo to thecomputerjustas I amanervous