DAM NAJ I 100 PKT PROSZĘ O PRZETŁUMACZENIE TEGO EMAILA Zacznę może od przygotowań. No więc tak przed zawodami biegałam codziennie po 5 km, a także trzymałem dietę, a nawet kupiłem sobie profesjonalne ubranie i buty do tego biegu. kiedy zaczęły się zawody na początku było dobrze, a po 3 kilometrach zaczęło strasznie boleć mnie kolano i musiałem zakończyć rywalizację, ale wrażenia były niesamowite. Według mnie takie biegi mają dużo zalet takie jak : są dobre dla zdrowia jest różnorodna trasa poznajemy nowych ludzi podczas biegu możemy podziwiać zabytki Za tydzień jest znowu organizowany bieg na 10 km. Trasa będzie przebiegać przez malowniczy teren m.in. przez miasto X oraz okoliczne wsie, które są położone na pięknym terenie leśnym. Mam nadzieję, że weźmiesz udział razem ze mną. Do zobaczenia !
Last Saturday I took part in an awesome competition fielded by the local authorities, so I want to share the overall impression with my buddy. I'll start of the arranges first. Well, before the competition started, I had been running 5 kilometres daily. I also kept fit and I even bought a professional gear especially for the run. In the very beginning of the competition it was great, but after I had run about 3 kilometres, my knee began to hurt horribly, so I had to concede. Anyway, I was generally impressed by the event. You know, in my opinion this kind of competition, I mean the run, has a lot of advantages. For instance, it's healthy and it allows you to stay fit. What's more, the track is really odd, so during the run, one can admire many monuments. By the way, you are able to meet brand new people. As you can see, the run was the one I really enjoyed. Well, there's another 10-kilometres run in a week. The track will run through a scenic site, i.a. through the your_city_name city and surrounding villages, which are located in a lovely woody terrain. I hope you'll take part in the incoming competition with me.
Last Saturday I took part in an awesome competition fielded by the local authorities, so I want to share the overall impression with my buddy.
I'll start of the arranges first. Well, before the competition started, I had been running 5 kilometres daily. I also kept fit and I even bought a professional gear especially for the run. In the very beginning of the competition it was great, but after I had run about 3 kilometres, my knee began to hurt horribly, so I had to concede. Anyway, I was generally impressed by the event.
You know, in my opinion this kind of competition, I mean the run, has a lot of advantages. For instance, it's healthy and it allows you to stay fit. What's more, the track is really odd, so during the run, one can admire many monuments. By the way, you are able to meet brand new people.
As you can see, the run was the one I really enjoyed. Well, there's another 10-kilometres run in a week. The track will run through a scenic site, i.a. through the your_city_name city and surrounding villages, which are located in a lovely woody terrain.
I hope you'll take part in the incoming competition with me.
Take it easy,