Czy uważasz, że wiedza nabyta w przeszłosci moze pomoc w podejmowaniu przyszlych decyzji zyciowych? Mam to na jutro, muszę opowiadać przynajmniej 60 sekund, więc proszę sie naprawde rozpisac. Spam bedzie zglaszany od razu. Daje naj.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I think that the school is teaching things which in the future can help us with the decision making us, at school we are learning the responsibility for words and the thing which or we are swearing, if we don't do something what we promised later we are getting different negative consequences thanks to that we are learning to make decisions whether we will do something whether not and whether we are supposed to get down to it. The school is also teaching that it isn't worthwhile trusting other to the word and we must take decisions whether to trust the friend whether not.
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