Czy ten list po angielsku jest dobrze napisany? Hi Emily! I hope you are well. Thanks for the present you sent me for my birthday. This is the perfect gift. I've always wanted to read this book. I looked for it in Polish bookstores, but I couldn't find it. I have already read half of the book, because it's really interesting. Every evening I sit on my favourite armchair and I read it. Next week I'm going to a bookstore because I am looking for next part of the book. I really enjoyed my birthday party. We were dancing all the time and laughed a lot. At the end of the party we watched my favourite film. Then we went to sleep. My best mate gave me wonderful shoes. My parents gave me a new computer. I also got a lot of presents, but the gift from you is the best. See you soon, I hope. And thanks again for the book. Julia
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Na początku listu warto też spytać co słychać u osoby, do której piszemy, także ja dodałabym po ''Hi Emily!'' zwrot ''Jak leci?'' czyli ''How is it going?'' to bardzo nieformalny zwrot ale do listu do przyjaciółki nadaje się idealnie.
A reszta wydaje mi się że jest dobrze, na pewno jest poprawny gramatycznie :)
Jest dobrze ale zgadzam się z odpowiedzią wyżej :D