Czy napisze mi ktoś to dobrze ?
Nie chodzi mi o przetłumaczenie tych wyrazów !
Welcome to Casper
As you know I'm on holiday in Crete.
There are such views can not be described. There are many atrakcji.Wczoraj I was at the very August opaliłam.Odwiedziłam plaży.I also a city which is called Malia there was a disco which went on like a nigdy.Jutro wszyscy.Bawiłam going to ride in August of meteoryi olip . My friends were there and they said that we still see the beaches zwiedzić.Chce palm.Bardzo is I'm happy with this trip and I can not wait to show you all four pictures, and I hope that you come to me as I get back.
Dagmara kisses.
Proszę o pomoc
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Welcome Casper.
As you know I'm on holiday at Crete.
There are so much views that can not be described. There are so many attractions. Yesterday I was sunbursting. I visited beach . I also visited a city which is called Malia there was a disco that I liked so much. Tommorow we are all going to have fun and ride olip. My friends were there and they said that we should see the beach. I am so glad to be on this trip and I'm dying to show you all snapshots I have , And I hope that you will come to me as soon as I will be back.
Love , Dagmara.
Domyslam sie ze uzylas translatora wiec tekst bardzo niejasny , ale mysle ze w miare poprawnie to uzupelnilem.
Pozdrawiam :)
Welcome Casper
As you know I'm on holiday in Crete.
There are simply indescribable views here! There are also many attractions. Yesterday I was sunbathing at the beach. Apart from that I visited a city called Malia where I went to a dicso that went on forever. Tomorrow we are all going to ride the olip and have fun! My friends are there and they say we will be able to go to the beach again. I want to see some palm trees. I am so happy to be on this trip and I can't wait to show you all the pictures I took. I hope you come ad see me when I get back.
prawie nie dało się nic z tego zrozumieć, więc napisałam jak najlepiej umiem , ale czasem musiałam się domyślać o co ci chodziło. czasem trochę słówek dodałam, żeby było ładniej
mam nadzieje że pomogłam