Bardzo proszę o pomoc
Welcome to Casper
As you know I'm on holiday in Crete.
There are such views can not be described. There are many atrakcji.Wczoraj I was at the very August opaliłam.Odwiedziłam plaży.I also a city which is called Malia there was a disco which went on like a nigdy.Jutro wszyscy.Bawiłam going to ride in August of meteoryi olip . My friends were there and they said that we still see the beaches zwiedzić.Chce palm.Bardzo is I'm happy with this trip and I can not wait to show you all four pictures, and I hope that you come to me as I get back.
Dagmara kisses.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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i visited beaches
Tomorrow everybody
i played
i want palms
i m very
nie wiem z bardzo o co w tym chodzoiło
1) atractions
2) yesterday
3) sunbathed
4) I visited
5) beaches
6) never
7) Tommorow
8) Everyone
9) I had fun
10)to visit
11) I want palm trees
12) Very