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Twój przyjaciel z Anglii, Peter, uważa że jest w złej kondycji i prosi Cię o radę. W liście (120 - 150 słów) do niego:
-podziękuj mu za przesłanego e-maila i zaoferuj pomoc,
-doradź mu, aby zaczął uprawiać sport i podaj wynikające z tego korzyści
-zaproponuj dyscyplinę sportu, która byłaby dla niego odpowiednia i uzasadnij swój wybór
-poinformuj jaką dyscyplinę sportu uprawiasz i jak na Ciebie wpływa
Hi Peter
Thanks for your e-mail. I`d like help to you.
I have advices for you. You should train some sport To my mind it`s only delight and a great fun. Sport it only benefits: you have better form healthy. You have beautiful body and you are smile every day.
I recommend you gymnastic and jogging every day, because you can train alone and you have no need professional equipment, only comfortable suit and shoes.
I personally train volleyball every day and twice a week I go to the swimming pool. I see that I have a great form and I`m happy, because I doing what I like very much.
I hope that you stared train the sport.
Write soon!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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*I'd like to help you (forma podst. I'd like to..., I'd love to...,+bezokolicznik)
*I have a piece of adice for you(advice-niepoliczalne)
*Sport gives us only benefits
*You have better health form
*You smile every day(czas Present Simple)
*You don't need
*I do what I like very much
*Stared(?)-start trainig sport