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W te wakacje zwiedziałem Chorwację i Hel.Moję wakacje były bardzo ekscytujące i ciekawe.Pierwszego dnia wakacji ja z moją rodziną pojechalismy na lotnisko.Następnego dnia zwiedzałem Chorwacje.Wyporzyczyliśmy żaglówkę i pływaliśmy.W chorwacji byłem tylko 7 dni.Miesiąc po tym pojechalismy na Hel.Woda była ciepła i ciągle pływaliśmy w Bałtyku.Po tym wruciliśmy do domu.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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In this summer I visited Croatia and Hel. My vacation was very exciting and interesting. Firs day vacation I and my family went on airport. Next day visided Croatia. We rented a sailboat and swam. In Croatia I was only seven days. After month we went on Hel. Water was hot and we always swam in Baltic. Next we came at the home.
This summer I visited Croatia and Helium. My holiday was very exciting and interesting. On the first day of vacation with my family I drove to the airport. The next day I visited Croatia. Rented a sailing boat and swam. In Croatia, I was only 7 days. A month after that we went to Hel. The water was warm and still swam in the Baltic. After that we went home.
SłuchajZapis fonetyczny proszę bardzo !!!In the holidays i visited Croatia and Hel. My holidays were very excited and interesting. First day of holidays i with my family went to airport. Next day we visited Croatia. We rented sailboat and we were swimming. In Croatia i was only 7 days. Month after that we drove to Hel. The water were heat and we were still swimming. Then we went home.
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