Cześć. Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu. Mianowicie mam ułożyć 5 zdań z : 1. Was on fire 2. Set fire to 3. Caught fire 4. Put the fire out 5. Cracked 6. Collapsed 7. Were starving 8. Were homeless PS. Proszę o wersję angielską i polską ZDANIA MAJĄ BYĆ DŁUGIE MINIMUM 10 SŁÓW W JENYM ZDANIU!! dam naj ;D
1. I was so absorbed by this computer game, I didn't notice the house was on fire. 2. The police established that one of our close neighbours had set fire to the barn. 3. Because of my irresponsibility and lack of prudence, the wood caught fire. 4. Fortunately, there was an extinguisher in the corner, so I was able to put the fire out. 5. That ancient chair cracked because fat Mike hastily sat on it. 6. My mother collapsed dangerously in the middle of the pastor's speech.
2. The police established that one of our close neighbours had set fire to the barn.
3. Because of my irresponsibility and lack of prudence, the wood caught fire.
4. Fortunately, there was an extinguisher in the corner, so I was able to put the fire out.
5. That ancient chair cracked because fat Mike hastily sat on it.
6. My mother collapsed dangerously in the middle of the pastor's speech.