Cześć Prosiłbym mi to napisać po angielsku :] A o to ten tekst :p Moim faworytem dzikich zwierząt to panda.Panda jest biało czarna i do tego mają 40 zębów i 22 palców.Pandy zamieszkują lasy bambusowe.Żywią się pędami bambusa i młodymi łodygami. Żyją około 20 do 30 lat.Pandy są samotnikami i mają swoje terytorium nie za duże i o tego mile wyglądają i za to je lubię.
Proszę o przetłumaczenie na angielski. Zadanie domowe na poniedziałek :p Pozdrawiam !
My favorite wild animal is a panda.Panda is a black and white to have 40 teeth and 22 toes.Pandas live bamboo forests.Feed on bamboo shoots and young stems.They live about 20 to 30 years.Pandas are solitary and have their own territory is not too much of the mile and look for it and I like them. ;]
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My favorite wild animal is panda.Panda is black and white to have 40 teeth and 22 toes. Pandy inhabit forests of bamboo. Feed on bamboo shoots and young stems. They live about 20 to 30 lat.Pandy are loners and have their own territory is not too much of the mile and look for it and I like them.
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My favorite wild animal is panda. Panda is black and white, to have 40 teeth and 22 fingers. Panda inhabit forests bamboo. They eat the shoots and young stalks of bamboo. They live about 20 to 30 years.Panda are loners and have their own territory (isn't too much) They are cute and I like them.