Translate :
1. Czy zjadłeś wczoraj śniadanie ?
2. Czy wczoraj o 8 jadłeś śniadanie? Nie ja jeszcze spałem.
3. Kiedy go spotkałeś ? spotkałem go , kiedy wracałem do domu z imprezy sylwestrowej. Nie rozpoznał mnie , bo był kompletnie pijany.
4. Jak spędziłeś sylwestra ? poszedłem na impreze do Tomka, wrocilem o 5 rano i poszedlem spac.
5. gdy ogladalem wczotaj TV ktos zapukal do drzwi. Gdy otworzyłem, stała przede mna grupa dzieci i śpiewała kolędy. Dałem im trochę słodyczy i kazałem im pójść.
6. Gdy obudziłem się rano w Boże Narodzenie zobaczyłem pod choinką wielki prezent. Byłem zdziwiony, bo nie wierzę w św. mikolaja. Okazało się , że to był tylko sen.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.First Do you have eaten breakfast yesterday?
2.Second Do you ate yesterday by 8 breakfast? I do not even slept.
3.Third When you meet him? I met him when I returned home from New Year's Eve party. He did not recognize me because I was completely drunk.
4. How did you spend New Year's Eve? I went to party for Tom, I went back at 5 am and went to sleep.
5. watching TV when someone knocked wczotaj the door. When opened, stood before me anda group of children sang Christmas carols. I gave them some candy and told them to go.
6. When I woke up Christmas morning I saw a great gift under the Christmas tree. I wassurprised, because I do not believe in the Holy. Claus. It turned out that it was just a dream.
1. Did you have breakfast yesterday?
2. Were you having breakfast at 8 o'clock yesterday? No, I was still sleeping.
3. When did you meet him? I met him when I was coming back from New Year's Eve party. He didn't recognize me, he was completely drunk.
4. How did you spent New Year's Eve? I went to Tom's party, came back at 5 and went to sleep.
5. When I was watching TV yesterday, somebody knocked on my door. When I opened it, there was a crowd of children standing and singing Christmas carols. I gave them some sweets and told them to go home.
6. When I woke up on Christmas Day I saw a big present under the Christmas tree. I was surprised because I don't believe in Santa Claus. It turned out that it was only a dream.