CZASY JĘZYK ANGIELSKI Potrzebuję pomocy. Część zrobiłam sama, ale nie wiem czy dobrze. Czy ktoś z Was mógłby mi pomóc? Z góry dziękuję :)
Zadanie 1 2. don't 3. are 4. is 5. is, don't 6. are 7. does 8. doesn't
zadanie 2 4. is singing 5. She wants 6. do you read 7. you're sitting 8. I don't understand 9. I'm going, Are you coming 10. does you father finish 11. I''m not listening 12. He is cooking 13. doesn't usually drive, usually walks 14. doesn't like, she prefers
zadanie 4 3. played 4. did you go 5. Have you ever met 6. wasn't 7. I have just washed 8. washed 9. has visited 10. hasn't come
2. don't
3. are
4. is
5. is, don't
6. are
7. does
8. doesn't
zadanie 2
4. is singing
5. She wants
6. do you read
7. you're sitting
8. I don't understand
9. I'm going, Are you coming
10. does you father finish
11. I''m not listening
12. He is cooking
13. doesn't usually drive, usually walks
14. doesn't like, she prefers
zadanie 4
3. played
4. did you go
5. Have you ever met
6. wasn't
7. I have just washed
8. washed
9. has visited
10. hasn't come