Mrs. and Mr. John Smiths
Request the pleaser of the company of
Mr. Hideyaki Kajima
On the occasion of the 20th birth of our son
Robert Pattinson
At 7 PM on the November 12, 2016
at their residence
With Best Compliments
Friends & Relatives
9010 Streets, Beverly Hills, California
Phone no. +9876-5432-10
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Mrs. and Mr. John Smiths
Request the pleaser of the company of
Mr. Hideyaki Kajima
On the occasion of the 20th birth of our son
Robert Pattinson
At 7 PM on the November 12, 2016
at their residence
With Best Compliments
Friends & Relatives
9010 Streets, Beverly Hills, California
Phone no. +9876-5432-10
Request the honor of your presence at the marriage of his sister
Kadie Lynn
8th august 1997