Coniennie się uczę i prawie w ogóle nie wychodzę z domu. Nie lubię sportów ale kocham czytać książki. W tym roku rozpoczęłam naukę gry na gitarze i jestem z siebie dumna ponieważ umiem już zagrać jedną piosenkę.
proszę o tłumaczenie byle nie z tłumacza na googlach czy coś . ;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I learn everyday and I hardly ever go out. I don't like sport but I love reading books. This year I start to play guitar and I am pround of me because I can play one song.
Every day I learn and almost generally speaking I am not going out. I don't like sports but I love to read books. This year I began the learning of the guitar playing and I am proud of oneself since I can already play one song.
I am teaching every day and I hardly ever don't go out. I don't like sports but i really love raeding books. This year I started learning playing the guitar and I'm proud of myself, because I already can play one song.