aby żyć zdrowo należy dobrze się odżywiać, czyli jeść owoce (np. jabłka) oraz bardzo dużo warzyw. Trzeba również dużo się ruszać (np. spacery z psem, bieganie, w zimę-narty)...
in order to live healthily one should eat properly, that is eat fruits (e.g. apples) and very much of vegetables. It is necessary also much to move (e.g. walks with the dog, running, in zimę-narty)...
In order to be healthy you have to be very careful what you eat and what you do. You should eat protein, vegetables, fruit and iron.Avoid eating candy, too much butter, too much smoking and drinking too much alcohol. Try to use a polyunsaturated spread such as Flora. Many people consider that being a vegeterian is a healthy way of lifestyle as vegeterians don't eat meat. But you have to be careful that you get enough protein and iron eating other foods such as freen vegetables or taking special supplements. You also have to take enough exercise and spend a good amount of time outside in the fresh air. Adults should exercide at least 2 times a week. It is very important to be healthy and you should never forget that.
aby żyć zdrowo należy dobrze się odżywiać, czyli jeść owoce (np. jabłka) oraz bardzo dużo warzyw. Trzeba również dużo się ruszać (np. spacery z psem, bieganie, w zimę-narty)...
in order to live healthily one should eat properly, that is eat fruits (e.g. apples) and very much of vegetables. It is necessary also much to move (e.g. walks with the dog, running, in zimę-narty)...
In order to be healthy you have to be very careful what you eat and what you do. You should eat protein, vegetables, fruit and iron.Avoid eating candy, too much butter, too much smoking and drinking too much alcohol. Try to use a polyunsaturated spread such as Flora. Many people consider that being a vegeterian is a healthy way of lifestyle as vegeterians don't eat meat. But you have to be careful that you get enough protein and iron eating other foods such as freen vegetables or taking special supplements. You also have to take enough exercise and spend a good amount of time outside in the fresh air. Adults should exercide at least 2 times a week. It is very important to be healthy and you should never forget that.