August 2018 1 64 Report
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Zadania z j.angielskiegoComplete the sentences with the correct preposition. Put-if you di not need a preposition.1) I plan to see him-------the morning.2) She visited the factory-------last week.3) We are-------schedule with the building project. It's three weeks late.4) Can you see me-------lunchtime.5) I don't usually work------Sundays.VocabularyUnderline the correct word.1) The deadline/schedule for the projects is 9th May.2) We had to use more staff so labour/industry costs were high.3) We missed/failed to get the contract. We were not happy.4) We don't want a delay/late with the delivery this time.5) We hape to improve/include the quality this year.6) The company employed specialise/specialists to help with the design of the product.7) The products are similar/same There are some differences.8) We hod some planned/unexpected problems with the equipment.VocabularyComplete the sentences with the correct word. The first four letters of each word are given.1) The people in the village have no elec------so they cannot have television or fridges.2) He studied science at university He' sascie------3) We had a problem with the equipment, but the engi-----fixed it.4) Thomas Edison was a great inve-----5) Dr Jones was my------of English at university.6) the company wants to increase prod-----because it has many new aders.7) Dr Peyton is in his labo-----studying the life of insects.8) Cars cause air poll------especially in towns and busy cites.9) Last week we redu------the cost of the product. It was (funty)L-10and now it's (funty)L-9.10) We keep the milk, butter and freh meat in the refr------
Zadania z j.angielskiegoLangue1 Put the verbs in brackets into the form.1) We--------(start) the job at 6am.2) The managers---------(be) at a metting jesterday.3) Mr Garden--------(sell) me the new printer.4) The salesperson--------(say) the product was new.5) He--------(speak) to the customer about the problem.6) She--------(have) dinner at 7pm.7) We-------(buid) the factory a jear ago.8) A year ago the owner--------(decide) to open an office in Hong Kong.Career SkillsUse the words to complete the report.Next/then/after that/successful/several/Finally/first/marketing/I'd like to/1)--------tell you about the project we did last month. It was a very (2)--------project.It was to decide on the (3)------plan for our new product. There were (4)---------stages.(5)--------we decided who was responsibile for what.(6)-------we organised the schedule.(7)------we started on our individual jobs.(8)------we net to discuss our ideas.(9)------we presented our ideas to the company directors.Intelligent BisinessAnswer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question.Language.1 Complette the conversation using did, didn't, was, wasn't, were, weren't. You can use them more then once.A: Where(1)--------you yesterday ?. You(2)-------in the office.B: No I went to the airport to neet Mr Wang from China but his plane(3)------late. A: What time(4)------he arrive?B: He(5)------When the plane arrived, he(6)--------on it.A:(7)-------he phone you?.B: No, he(8)------but he sent an email to my secretary.A:(9)------she call you?.B: Yes, she(10)------But it(11)------aveady 6.30. So I(12)---------come back to the office.

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