December 2018 1 31 Report
Ciało o masie 2 kg podlega działaniu siły 0,3 kN przez okres 10 sekund. Wskutek tego ciało doznało przesunięcia 7,5 km.1.Jaką pracę wykona siła? Wpisz samą wartość w kJ bez jednostek.

2.Z jaką mocą pracowała ta siła? Wpisz samą wartość w kW bez jednostek.

3.Wpisz poprawnie literę, jaką w układzie SI zaznaczamy moc.

Proszę o szybka odpowiedz, dam naj :)

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Zad1.Przeczytaj odpowiedzi i napisz pytania. 1)Did you watch TV last night? Yes, we did. We saw a very good programme last night. 2).... No, he didn't go to work yesterday. 3).... Yes, I did. I did all the washnig up. 4).... No, they didn't have pizza yesterday. 5).... No, we didn't meet our friends in twon. 6).... Yes, she did. She spent all her money yesterday. zad2.Zapytaj o informację wyrażoną podkreślonymi wyrazami. Pytania rozpocznij wyrazami z ramki. [...]- wyrazy podkreślone WYRAZY Z RAMKI: How much, What, Where, When, Which, Why 1)They held the winter Olympics [in Canada]. Where did they hold the winter Olympics? 2)He wrote a sad poem [because his friend died]. 3)Shrek the movie made [millions of dollars]. 4)Marylin Monroe sang for the President [in 1962]. 5)Usain Bolt won the [100m] race. 6)Maxim Vengerov played [Bach] on his violin every day. zad3.Połącz pytania (1-6) z odpowiedziami (a-f). 1)Did your mother make your sandwiches today? 2)Did you enjoy the film you saw last night? 3)Did your brother call his football coach yesterday? 4)Did you all have fun at the party last Saturday? 5)Did your friends buy you some music for your birthday? 6)Did it rain when you went to that music festival? a)Yes, we did. It was great, thanks. b)No, they didn't. They bought me a DVD. c)No, I didn't. I don't like Johny Deep. d)Yes, it did but we still enjoyed it! e)Yes, she did. She makes them every day. f)Yes, he did. He rang him after dinner.

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