Napisz list do kolegi/koleżanki który/a ma problem z dziewczyną/chłopakiem
a) napisz ze przykro ci ze ma problem i ze chcialbys mu cos poradzic
b) daj mu kilka rad co zrobić
3) zaproponuj spotkanie i obgadanie problemu
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Sara!
I've heard you have problem with your boyfriend. I'm really sorry about that. I really want to advice you something about relationships. You have to talk with him and you'll decide together what to do with your problem. Maybe invite him for dinner, or go to the cinema with him. Anyway if you want to talk you can always count on me. What about meeting this Friday? We can talk about your problem with boyfriend etc. Hope you'll be fine.