Chcesz podjąć pracę w Irlandii. Znalazłaś ogłoszenie w necie o pracy w restauracji o charakterze kelnerki. Napisz list motywacyjny z prośbą o przyjęcie do pracy przedstaw i określ cel listu opisz krótko swoje doświadczenie i sytuację wyjaśnij dlaczego jesteś dobrym kandydatem do tej pracy, podając dwa powody napisz jak i kiedy można się z Tobą skontaktować.Pamiętaj o zachowaniu odpowiedniej formy listu, nie umieszczaj żadnych adresów. Podpisz się jako XYZ. Długość listu powinna wynosić od 120 do 150 słów... (PROSZĘ NIE Z TŁUMACZA BO BĘDE ZGŁASZAĆ)
I am writing to apply for the position which was advertised last month. I would like to work with you as a waitress. My name is (imię twoje) and I live in Warsaw, but for five years, I am going to Ireland. My work experience has familiarized me with many of the challenges involved in preparing delicious meals for demanding clients. Unfortunately, I am presently tired of cooking. I would like to serve meals instead of preparing them. I am sure that I met in this work. I know many foreign languages including English, Polish, German and French. I am hard-working, nice as well and ambitious. I have a good approach to people. I look forward to a reply.
Dear Madam,
I am writing to apply for the position which was advertised last month. I would like to work with you as a waitress.
My name is (imię twoje) and I live in Warsaw, but for five years, I am going to Ireland. My work experience has familiarized me with many of the challenges involved in preparing delicious meals for demanding clients. Unfortunately, I am presently tired of cooking. I would like to serve meals instead of preparing them. I am sure that I met in this work. I know many foreign languages including English, Polish, German and French. I am hard-working, nice as well and ambitious. I have a good approach to people.
I look forward to a reply.