Całość na 160 słów
Niedawno poznałeś osobę z którą bardzo sie zaprzyjaźniłaś napisz email do koleżanki z zagranicy i opowiedz jej o nowo poznanej osobie
- napisz kim jest nowa przyjaciółka i napisz gdzie się poznaliście
- opisz 2cechy charakteru danej osoby
- określ dlaczego ją lubisz
- wyraz nadzieję ze wkrótce się spotkacie
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Równe 160 słow.
Dear Ann,
Sorry I haven’t written for so long. There were many important tests in my school. Guess what – I’ve met a great girl called Anneliese!
We have known each other for two weeks. She’s professional volleyball player and we met each other during the match. I was giving bottles of water to the players and then we started to talk. And now we can’t spend a day without a conversation!
Anneliese’s really nice person. She always smiles and always wants to cheer up people around her. My new friend’s very ambitious – she wants to play for national team and she can do everything to reach her goal!
The best thing in her is probably the fact that she’s helpful and empathic. When I have to make a decision, she’ll always advice me.
When I meet Anneliese, I always think about you! I wish you were here with me and Anneliese! I’m looking forward to see you!
With love,