Byłeś ostatnio świadkiem kradzieży. Napisz o tym w liście do kolegi.
- poinformuj co robiłeś gdy doszło do tego zdarzenia oraz co zostało skradzione,
- opisz wygląd i zachowanie osoby która dokonała wyżej wymienionego czynu,
- napisz jak zareagowałeś i jakie były skutki twojego zachowania,
- dowiedz się czy kolega był kiedy kolwiek w podobnej sytuacji i zapytaj o jego opinię w sprawie twojej reakcji.
OD 120-150 słów
Z góry dziękuję ;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear David,
I'm sorry that I haven't written for ages. I was thinking about what happened to me lately. How is everything?
On Saturday, I was doing shopping with my mum in the supermarket. We were buying some necessary things such as milk and cheese. While we were paying I noticed a man who was standing next to us. He was wearing black trousers, jacket and sunglasses. Suddenly, I noticed that he's got something in his pocket. I shouted 'a thief! security!'. Then he started to run away, but the security caught him. It proved that he had a very expensive mobile phone in his pocket. If I didn't notice that, he'd steal this phone. I've been thinking about this accident for few days. Why do people steal? Were you in similar situation? How did you react?
Anyway, I have to finish now. Hope to hear from you soon.
150 words.
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