Bułgaria kojarzy się głównie z plażami nad Morzem Czarnym. Wciąż jest to największa atrakcja kraju. Ale warto rownierz zwrocic uwage na bardziej tradycyjne oblicze bulagrii.można tam odnaleźć odosobnione miejscowości ze starą, oryginalną, nieco przykurzoną, ale za to bardzo nastrojową zabudową. Górskie monastyry zapewniają chwile zamyślenia i tak poszukiwanego spokoju. Sa tam rownierz bardzo rozlegle jaskinie ktorych zwiedzanie dostarcza naprawde wiele przyjemnosci. Wszytkie te natrualne piekna byly tym co w bulgarii podobalo mi sie najbardziej. Podczas pobytu w bulgarii szczegolnie podobaly mi sie wieczorne wyjscnia na gre w bilard, naprawde swietnie sie wtedy bawilismy. Jednak bywaly tez nudne momenty takie jak, spotkanie z burmistrzem. Dyskoteka byla rownie swietnym pomyslem co prawie wszystkie pozostale ale za wczesnie sie skonczyla. Podsumowujac to wszystko naprawde ciesze sie z poznania bulgarskich kolegow i kolezanek, i ciesze sie z tej wymiany bardzo chetnie bym ja powtorzyl.
Bardzo prosze przetlumaczyc mi to na angielski nie przez translate czy cos tego typu ja najszybciej plis;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Bulgaria associate generaly with Black Sea's beaches. It's still the biggest attraction of the country. However it's worth to note the traditional part of Bulgaria. You can find there: isolated towns with old-styled little bit dusty but really atmospheric building. Mountainmonasteries provide you a while for you to think and relax. There are also really large caves, touring them is very enjoing. All the natural beautiful things was the best I like most in Bulgaria. During my time in
bulgaria esspecialy I liked starting at pool, we loved it. But there were also boring times like meeting mayor. A disco was eqally gret idea but it ended too early. Summing I'm glad of meeting my Bulgarian friends and I'd like to take part to exchange again if I could.
Bulgaria is still associated mainly with beaches by the Black Sea. It is still the biggest attraction of this country. You should also pay attention on more traditional countenance of Bulgaria. You can find a secluded spot with an old, original, a little bit covered with dust but very romantic buildings. Mountanious monastries give some moments of reflection and sought after peace. There are also very vast caves and visiting them give a lot of pleasure. All this natural monuments where the things that I liked the best in Bulgaria. During my visit in Bulgaria I especially like evening outings when we played billard and really had a great time. there were also boring moments such as a meeting with the mayor. The disco was also a great idea but it finished too early. All in all, I'm really glad that that I met bulgarian teenagers. I'm happy because of this exchange and I would like to do once again.