Buatlah kalimat bahasa inggris dengan tema Bigger is not always better. menggunakan kata paling, lebih, dan sama dengan.
- Paling 1. Ilham is the best at Bilogy in his class 2. Fitri is the most beautiful girl in her family 3. She is the tallest girl in her school 4. He is the strongest boy in his school 5. I am the shortest student in my school
- Lebih 1. He is smarter than me 2. I am prettier than she is 3. My father is stronger than me 4. She is better than he is 5. He is taller than me
-Sama dengan 1. I am as beauty as my mother 2. Fitri is as smart as Asa 3. He is as tall as his brother 4. Rani is as good girl as Tion 5. Dina is as funny as Mr. Bean
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Her home is bigger than the other house. my class is the biggest of all. my home is as very quiet as dani's home
1. Ilham is the best at Bilogy in his class
2. Fitri is the most beautiful girl in her family
3. She is the tallest girl in her school
4. He is the strongest boy in his school
5. I am the shortest student in my school
- Lebih
1. He is smarter than me
2. I am prettier than she is
3. My father is stronger than me
4. She is better than he is
5. He is taller than me
-Sama dengan
1. I am as beauty as my mother
2. Fitri is as smart as Asa
3. He is as tall as his brother
4. Rani is as good girl as Tion
5. Dina is as funny as Mr. Bean
my class is the biggest of all.
my home is as very quiet as dani's home
smoga bener yaa...