hi aku juga newbie,aku bantu jwb sebisa aku yaa
1.dewi is john's wife
2.andy is eko's cousine
3.santi is tom's sister in law
4.claudia,Eko,Andy,Rosa,and Widya are Adam grandchild
5.donny is sonya's son
6.adam is rosa's grandfather
7.adam and Sonya are widya's grandparents
8.andy and Rosa are widya's sibling? or brothers?
9.eko is claudia's sibling
10.tom is andy's uncle
hi,untuk yg saudara(sibling or brothers/sister) aku kurang tau,aku juga bingung,maaf yaa
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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hi aku juga newbie,aku bantu jwb sebisa aku yaa
1.dewi is john's wife
2.andy is eko's cousine
3.santi is tom's sister in law
4.claudia,Eko,Andy,Rosa,and Widya are Adam grandchild
5.donny is sonya's son
6.adam is rosa's grandfather
7.adam and Sonya are widya's grandparents
8.andy and Rosa are widya's sibling? or brothers?
9.eko is claudia's sibling
10.tom is andy's uncle
hi,untuk yg saudara(sibling or brothers/sister) aku kurang tau,aku juga bingung,maaf yaa