B.inggris nih, jawab yah berdasarkan pendapat kamu
1.) Do you agree with corruption ? why ? please give your reason ! 2.) How to overcome the corruption?
1.im not agree about coruptor,because corruptor is eating money rakyat.and then corrup money peaple is too bad. 2.emmm we must meneggakan hukuman mati :)
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1. tidak. karen akorupsi itu perbuatan yang tidak baik do not. because corruption was not good deeds 2. dengan cara menasehati para pengkorupsi dan setiap para korupsi harus di penjara by way of advising the pengkorupsi and each of the graft should be in prison
2.emmm we must meneggakan hukuman mati :)
do not. because corruption was not good deeds
2. dengan cara menasehati para pengkorupsi dan setiap para korupsi harus di penjara
by way of advising the pengkorupsi and each of the graft should be in prison