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Sadzę, że telefon komórkow jest jednym z najważniejszych urządzeń wynalezionych w XX wieku. Pierwszy telefon został skonstruowany w 1956 roku przez szwedzka firmę Ericsson. Telefon ważył 40 kg, a kształtem przypominał walizkę. Urządzenie to kosztowało tyle co samochód. Prawie kazda komorka posiada; budzik. notes,organizator,kalkulator,dyktafon,gry, a najnowsze modele wyposazone sa rowniez w ; kamere, aparat, radio, GPS, internet.bluetooth. Dzieki telefonom komórkowym mamy mozliwosc komunikacji ze znajomymi z calego swiata. Zapewniaja nam one dostep do informacji i rozrywki.
I think that cellular phone is one of the most important devices invented in the twentieth century. The first telephone was designed in 1956 by Swedish company Ericsson. The phone weighs 40 kg, and the shape resembled a suitcase. The device would cost as much as a car. Almost every cell holds the alarm, notes, organizer, calculator, voice recorder, games, and the latest models the units are in, camera, camera, radio, gps, internet.bluetooth. Thanks to mobile phones we are able to communicate with friends from around the world. They provide us access to information, and entertainment.
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I think that the mobile phone is one of the most important devices invented in the twentieth century.The first telephone was designed in 1956 by Swedish company Ericsson.The phone weighs 40 kg, and the shape resembled a suitcase.The device cost as much as a car.Almost every cell holds the alarm,notes, organizer, calculator, voice recorder, games, and the latest models are also equipped, webcam, camera, radio, GPS, internet,bluetooth.Thanks to mobile phones we are able to communicate with friends from around the world. They assure us access to information and entertainment.
invented in the twentieth century. The first telephone was designed in 1956 by Swedish company Ericsson. The phone weighs 40 kg, and the shape resembled a suitcase. The device would cost as much as a car. Almost every cell holds the alarm, notes, organizer, calculator, voice recorder, games, and the latest models
the units are in, camera, camera, radio, gps, internet.bluetooth.
Thanks to mobile phones we are able to communicate with friends from around the world. They provide us access to information, and entertainment.