Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie tego testu, czy jest dobrze napisany. W razie błędów, będę wdzięczna, jeśli ktoś pomoże mi je poprawić. DAJE NAJ..
My summer holidays were great. First month, I sped in my house, but in second month, I toured half Europ. First, I fly to my brother to Great British. I worked there two weeks. I also toured the London. Next, I drove to Paris with my parents. One day, I go to Paris. I see the Tower Eiffel, Luwr and the catchedral of Notre Dame. Second day, I go to Versal. It was amazing. Palace, gardens and fountains were beautiful. I wish that the holiday did not end.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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jest ok, ale ostatnie zdanie zmień, powinno być chyba: would have never ended
*One day, I go to Paris-> went
*I see-> I saw
*Second day, I go to Versal->went
uzywaj czasu przeszlego past simple