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Film Fame jest to nowy film w kinach. Jest to opowieść dziejąca się w nowojorskiej akademi sztuki. Opowiada o studentach którzy chcą zdobyć sławę poprzez taniec. Miłość, męczące treningi, marzenia doskonale łączą się z tańcem. Jak dużo zapłacą by wzbić się na szczyt sławy? Film ,,Fame'' jest odnowioną wersją filmu z 1980 Alana Parkera który został nagrodzony dwoma oskarami.
"Fame''is a new movie in theaters. It is a story which is happening in the New York Academy of Art. Advocates for students who want to gain fame by dancing. Love, exhausting workouts, combining dreams of dancing. How much to pay to soar to the summit of fame? Film,, Fame''is a revised version of the 1980 film by Alan Parker, who was awarded two Oscars.
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sylwunia1414 Movie Fame is a new movie in theaters. It is a story happening in the New York Academy of Art. Advocates for students who want to gain fame by dancing. Love, exhausting workouts, combining dreams of dancing. How much to pay to soar to the summit of fame? Film,, Fame''is a revised version of the 1980 film by Alan Parker, who was awarded two Oscars.
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Fame is the new film in cinemas. Is the story happening in a New York fine arts academy. It is telling about students who want to be famous throug dance. Love exhaustig trainings dreams perfectly matched with dance.How much they will pay to be on top. Fame film is a renewed version of the Alan's Parker's film from 1980 which was awarded with 2 Oscars
who want to gain fame by dancing. Love, exhausting workouts, combining dreams of dancing. How much to pay to soar to the summit of fame? Film,, Fame''is a revised version of the 1980 film by Alan Parker, who was awarded two Oscars.
Movie Fame is a new movie in theaters. It is a story happening in the New York Academy of Art. Advocates for students
who want to gain fame by dancing. Love, exhausting workouts, combining dreams of dancing. How much to pay to soar to the summit of fame? Film,, Fame''is a revised version of the 1980 film by Alan Parker, who was awarded two Oscars.