Na obrazku są trzy chearliderki.W ich tle znajduje się widownia. Chearderki wspierają swoją druzynę siatkarzy na międzyszkolnych zawodach rozgrywanych na sali gimnastycznej. Wykonują różne układy taneczne. Widać, że podoba im się to, co robią, ponieważ się uśmiechają. ubrane są w specjalne kostiumy. Uważam ,że chearliderstwo to niebezpieczny sport, bo dziewczyny tańczą i wykonują układy bez ochraniaczy.Moga upaść i coś sobie złamać. W polsce chearliderstwo to dość opularne zjawisko nietraktowane jako sport, lecz jako zabawa. MOżna je zauwazyć na wielu zawodach np. piłkarskich
Można trochę zmieniać, ale zeby zachować kontekst zdań :)
On the picture are three chearliderki.W their background is the audience. Chearderki support your team League of interschool competitions played in the gym. Systems perform a variety of dances. It was obvious that they like what they do, because a smile. are dressed in special costumes. I think that's a dangerous sport chearliderstwo because girls dance and perform systems without ochraniaczy.Mogą fall and break something else. In Poland chearliderstwo is a fairly common phenomenon not considered as a sport, but as fun. Can be observed in many competitions such as football
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In the picture they are three chearliderki.W their background an auditorium is located. They are supporting Chearderki one's druzynę of volleyball players on the extra-mural competition played on a gymnasium. They execute different dance systems. One can see, that they like what they are doing, since they are smiling. are dressed in special costumes. I think, that chearliderstwo it is dangerous sport, because girls are dancing and they are carrying agreements out without ochraniaczy.Mog ą to fall down and for oneself to break something. In polsce chearliderstwo it quite opularne phenomenon not-treated as sport, but as the play. It is possible is eating zauwazyć on many competition e.g. football Pozdro !
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In the picture they are three cheerleaders. In the background an auditorium is located. They are supporting cheerleaders one's team of volleyball players on the extra-mural competition played on a gymnasium. They execute different dance systems. One can see, that they like what they are doing, since they are smiling. are dressed in special costumes. I think cheerleadering is a dangerous sport, because girls are dancing and they are carrying agreements out without bogyguards. They may to fall down and for oneself to break something. In Poland cheerleadering it quite opularne phenomenon not-treated as sport, but as the play. It is possible to see their on many competition as football.
I think that's a dangerous sport chearliderstwo because girls dance and perform systems without ochraniaczy.Mogą fall and break something else.
In Poland chearliderstwo is a fairly common phenomenon not considered as a sport, but as fun. Can be observed in many competitions such as football
Pozdro !