Bardzo proszę o przetłumaczenie tych zdań na j.angielski!
1Renne skaleczyła sobie palec. Ona będzie płakać. 2Myśle, że mama ugotuje spaghetti na obiad. 3 Twoja torba jest ciężka. Pomogę Ci ją nieść. 4Popatrz! Lampa błyska. Ona zgaśnie. 5 Jeśli nie zjesz obiadu, nie dostaniesz deseru. 6 Może Kate będzie modelką w przyszłości. 7 Jeśli Ania dostanie złą ocenę, ona będzie płakać. 8 Będę płakać, jeśli mnie zostawisz. 9 Jeśli podoba Ci się ta bluzka, możesz ją wziąć. 10 Czy napisałeś już list? 11 Kupiłem telewizor w zeszłym tygodniu. 12 Pociąg odjechał 20 min temu. 13 Czy byłeś wczoraj w szkole? 14 Gdybym ją jutro zobaczył, powiedziałbym jej coś. 15 Gdyby ona tu była, wiedziałaby co zrobić. 16 Jeśli skończę moją pracę domową, będę mogła wyjść. 17 Nie wolno mi otwierać drzwi nieznajomym, jeśli jesteś sama w domu. 18 Gdybyś stracił swoją prace, musiałbyś znaleźć inną. 19 Gdybym kupił samochód, zabrałbym Maggie na przejażdżkę. 20 Pójdziemy na spacer, jeśli będzie słonecznie jutro.
dziekuje bardzo bardzo!
Zgłoś nadużycie!
1Renne hurt her finger. She will cry. 2 I think mother will boil spaghetti for dinner. 3 Your bag is heavy. Let me help you carry it. 4 Look! Lamp flashes. She turns off. 5 If you do not eat dinner, do not get dessert. 6 Maybe Kate will model in the future. 7 When Anya gets bad scores, she will cry. 8 I'll cry if I leave. 9 If you like this shirt, you can take. 10 Can you write a letter now? 11 I bought a TV last week. 12 The train left 20 minutes ago. 13 Were you in school yesterday? 14 If I see her tomorrow, I'd tell her something. 15 Had there been, wiedziałaby what to do. 16 If I finish my homework, I'll be able to leave. 17 I must not open the door to strangers, if you're alone in the house. 18 If you lose your work, you would have to find another. 19 If I bought a car, I'd take Maggie for a ride. 20 Let's go for a walk, if you will be sunny tomorrow.
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1.Renne hurt her finger. She will cry 2. I think that my mother will boil spaghetti for dinner 3 Your bag is heavy. Let me help you carry it. 4 See! Lamp flashes. She turns off. 5 If you do not eat dinner, do not get dessert. 6 Maybe Kate will model in the future. 7 When Anya gets bad scores, she will cry. 8 I'll cry if I leave. 9 If you like this shirt, you can take. 10 Can you write a letter now? 11 I bought a TV last week. 12 The train left 20 minutes ago. 13 Were you in school yesterday? 14 If I see her tomorrow, I'd tell her something. 15 Had there been, wiedziałaby what to do. 16 If I finish my homework, I'll be able to leave. 17 I must not open the door to strangers, if you're alone in the house. 18 If you lose your work, you would have to find another. 19 If I bought a car, I'd take Maggie for a ride. 20 Let's go for a walk, if you will be sunny tomorrow.
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1Renne hurt her finger. She will cry. 2 I think mother will boil spaghetti for dinner. 3 Your bag is heavy. Let me help you carry it. 4 Look! Lamp flashes. She turns off. 5 If you do not eat dinner, do not get dessert. 6 Maybe Kate will model in the future. 7 When Anya gets bad scores, she will cry. 8 I'll cry if I leave. 9 If you like this shirt, you can take. 10 Can you write a letter now? 11 I bought a TV last week. 12 The train left 20 minutes ago. 13 Were you in school yesterday? 14 If I see her tomorrow, I'd tell her something. 15 Had there been, wiedziałaby what to do. 16 If I finish my homework, I'll be able to leave. 17 I must not open the door to strangers, if you're alone in the house. 18 If you lose your work, you would have to find another. 19 If I bought a car, I'd take Maggie for a ride. 20 Let's go for a walk, if you will be sunny tomorrow.
2 I think mother will boil spaghetti for dinner.
3 Your bag is heavy. Let me help you carry it.
4 Look! Lamp flashes. She turns off.
5 If you do not eat dinner, do not get dessert.
6 Maybe Kate will model in the future.
7 When Anya gets bad scores, she will cry.
8 I'll cry if I leave.
9 If you like this shirt, you can take.
10 Can you write a letter now?
11 I bought a TV last week.
12 The train left 20 minutes ago.
13 Were you in school yesterday?
14 If I see her tomorrow, I'd tell her something.
15 Had there been, wiedziałaby what to do.
16 If I finish my homework, I'll be able to leave.
17 I must not open the door to strangers, if you're alone in the house.
18 If you lose your work, you would have to find another.
19 If I bought a car, I'd take Maggie for a ride.
20 Let's go for a walk, if you will be sunny tomorrow.
2. I think that my mother will boil spaghetti for dinner
3 Your bag is heavy. Let me help you carry it.
4 See! Lamp flashes. She turns off.
5 If you do not eat dinner, do not get dessert.
6 Maybe Kate will model in the future.
7 When Anya gets bad scores, she will cry.
8 I'll cry if I leave.
9 If you like this shirt, you can take.
10 Can you write a letter now?
11 I bought a TV last week.
12 The train left 20 minutes ago.
13 Were you in school yesterday?
14 If I see her tomorrow, I'd tell her something.
15 Had there been, wiedziałaby what to do.
16 If I finish my homework, I'll be able to leave.
17 I must not open the door to strangers, if you're alone in the house.
18 If you lose your work, you would have to find another.
19 If I bought a car, I'd take Maggie for a ride.
20 Let's go for a walk, if you will be sunny tomorrow.
2 I think mother will boil spaghetti for dinner.
3 Your bag is heavy. Let me help you carry it.
4 Look! Lamp flashes. She turns off.
5 If you do not eat dinner, do not get dessert.
6 Maybe Kate will model in the future.
7 When Anya gets bad scores, she will cry.
8 I'll cry if I leave.
9 If you like this shirt, you can take.
10 Can you write a letter now?
11 I bought a TV last week.
12 The train left 20 minutes ago.
13 Were you in school yesterday?
14 If I see her tomorrow, I'd tell her something.
15 Had there been, wiedziałaby what to do.
16 If I finish my homework, I'll be able to leave.
17 I must not open the door to strangers, if you're alone in the house.
18 If you lose your work, you would have to find another.
19 If I bought a car, I'd take Maggie for a ride.
20 Let's go for a walk, if you will be sunny tomorrow.