Bardzo proszę o przetłumaczenie tekstu ponieżej :) Jeśli ktoś zna na prawdę dobrze angielski, byłabym bardzo wdzięczna za pomoc :) PS. Wkleić tekst do tłumacza potrafię sama, więc takie odpowiedzi są zbędne :) Z góry dziękuję :)
Może pojdziemy gdzies razem w ferie zimowe ? Jest dużo śniegu, możemy pojechać do Zakopanego. Widziałam też ostatnio reklamę cudownego spa w Krakowie . Myślę, że taki relaks dobrze by nam zrobił ! W ostatnich latach, spędzam ferie zimowe aktywnie i to jest na prawdę super. W zeszłym roku byłam w Austrii. Codziennie jeździłam na snowboardzie, a wieczorami chodziłam do klubów. To były najlepsze w ferie z moim życiu ! Chciałabym je powtórzyć właśnie z tobą. W zakopanym znam bardzo miły hotel. Położony niedaleko stoku narciarskiego. Jest tam jeziorko, dużo drzew, zwierzęta.. Znajduje się 1,5 kilometra od centrum miasta. To na prawdę przyjemne miejsce. Wydaje mi się, że by ci się bardzo spodobało. Co sądzisz o moim pomyśle na te ferie? Mam nadzieję, że ci się spodoba i spędzimy ferie razem.
Maybe we should go somewhere together for our Winter Holidays ? There is a lot of snow so we can go to Zakopane. Recently, also I saw a commercial of a wonderful spa in Crakow. I think that's a very relaxing and it will be good for us. Over the past few years I was spending my winter holidays actively and that's really cool. Last year I've been in Austria. I was snowboarding every single day and in the evening I was spending my time in the clubs. That was the best winter holidays ever ! . I want to repeat it with You ! I know some very nice hotel in Zakopane. The hotel is situated near to the ski slope. There is a lake, a lot of trees and there are animals too... It's only 1,5 kilometres from the town. That's a really lovely place and I think that You'll like that one. Tell me what do You think about my idea ? I hope that you'll like it and I hope also that we'll spend this time together.
There is a lot of snow so we can go to Zakopane. Recently, also I saw a commercial of a wonderful spa in Crakow. I think that's a very relaxing and it will be good for us. Over the past few years I was spending my winter holidays actively and that's really cool. Last year I've been in Austria. I was snowboarding every single day and in the evening I was spending my time in the clubs. That was the best winter holidays ever ! . I want to repeat it with You !
I know some very nice hotel in Zakopane. The hotel is situated near to the ski slope. There is a lake, a lot of trees and there are animals too...
It's only 1,5 kilometres from the town. That's a really lovely place and I think that You'll like that one.
Tell me what do You think about my idea ? I hope that you'll like it and I hope also that we'll spend this time together.