September 2018 2 12 Report
Bardzo proszę o przetłumaczenie tekstu na poziomie GIMNAZJUM na język Polski, nie używając przy tym translatora. ; ) Wybiorę najlepszą odpowiedź. PROSZĘ O SZYBKIE ROZWIĄZANIE ; ) !

1. Hello. I'm Liam and I'm seventeen. I'm really busy at the moment - I'm involved with the Clean Up Your Town campaign. We were doing a big project on the environment at school and suddenly I started seeing rubbish everywhere. Before that, I hadn't noticed it at all. People just throw their empty cans and burger boxes on the ground all the time.

2. So, we started a Clean Up Your Town campaign in my class. We did interviews with the local newspappers and started our own webpage. It gives people tips on how to recycle their rubbish - and tells them what could happen to the environment if they don't ! It's a great success - and lots of the kids in the area have joined us. We've cleaned up the local park and playground.

3. I saw my mum putting all her rubbish in the same bin. You know - cans, newspapers, plastic bags, glass bottles - everything. I told her she should use different bags for each thing. She thought I'd lost it! But she tried it - and now she puts her rubbish in different bags. My dad takes sometimes. My class is trying to decide what to do next - any ideas ?
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