Bardzo proszę o pomoc!
Napisz referat po angielsku o tym, jak spędziłeś swoje święta wielkanocne.
Mam ująć w nim takie słowa jak: Wielki Czwartek, Wielki Piątek, Wielka Sobota, Wielka Niedziela i Lany Poniedziałek. Muszę opisać co robiłem w tych wszystkich dniach. Możecie napisać, że byłem u dziadków w Niedzielę, ale nie wiem, co napisac w pozostałych dniach. Dam naj, kto napisze najlepiej!!! :P
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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On Maundy Thursday I started to cleaned up my house. I woke up and I and my mother did the dusting. Next we went to shop to buy a lot of products which we needed to do ours favourite salad and bake a cake. We came back to home and we started cleaned up home again. We did the ironing, washing-up.It was very hard-working day. On Good Friday I woke up and I started to cooked a lot of dishes for christmas.Next I had to take care my small cousin. When I came back to home I took a bath and I went to the church.There was a lot of people. I spent a lot of time there.On Great Saturday I and my family did the basket, which was a full of christmas thing. We went to the church. Next about 13 a.m. arrived ours family. On Easter Day we went to the church. It ws full of people. Everyone was smiled, me too. When I came back to home I ate breakfast. I went to my grandparents. I met a lot of cousin there. We had a good time. On Waters Monday I was very wet. I met with my friends who did me big surprise. I was wet from feet to head but it was very funny so I hadn't got any objections. I had a lot of relatives at home. I spent time very nice. It was good christmas.