Bardzo proszę o napisanie listu w języku angielskim,mam parę godzin na napisanie. Kolega wspomniał ci ze zle sie czuje z powodu przemęczenia i spadku kondycji.Napisz do niego list a w nim. -wyraz zal z powodu kolegi kłopotów i przekonanie ze mozna to zmienic, -wspomnij ze ty rowniez miałeś podobny probkem i jaki byl jego powód. -podaj dwie rady dotyczącego zdrowego stylu zycia ktore w twojej sytuacji okazaly się pomocne. -zachęć kolege by dbal o siebie i wyraz nadzieje ze wkrotce poczuje się lepiej.Prosze o napisanie między 120 a 150.
Hello XYZ I'm so sorry that you fell badly. I hope that you'l can change it but you have to change your lifestyle. A few years ago I had that problem too. I was very heavy and I had overwork very often, but I started to play football and swim. You should do that too because you will be much stronger. Swimming is very good because it's evolving all of your muscles and your condition like football Dont't forget about good diet, because it's a base to good changes. Take that advices to your heart, and I hope that you'll feel better See you soon XYZ
Plus minus masz 10% tolerancji dlatego możliwe że jest tam niecałe 120 słów :)
I'm so sorry that you fell badly. I hope that you'l can change it but you have to change your lifestyle. A few years ago I had that problem too. I was very heavy and I had overwork very often, but I started to play football and swim. You should do that too because you will be much stronger.
Swimming is very good because it's evolving all of your muscles and your condition like football Dont't forget about good diet, because it's a base to good changes.
Take that advices to your heart, and I hope that you'll feel better
See you soon XYZ
Plus minus masz 10% tolerancji dlatego możliwe że jest tam niecałe 120 słów :)