Bardzo proszę mi o zrobienie tego naprawde potrzebuję , załatwie nawet 50pkt za to bardzo prosze , naprawde potrzebuje to .
Proszę mi o napisanie dialogów do zadania 8 w załączniku , zgodnie z tym jak tam pisze , ma być dobrze .
Dzięki , dam najlepszą , błagam . Zle zglosze spam .
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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A. I want to go to the London Science Museum. Would you like to come with me?
B. I don't really want to. I don't like science that much. We should do something that is way more fun. Why don't we go to a concert. Kelly Clarkson perfoms live at Wembley.
B. But on the other hand I don't have much money right now. All right, since the Museum is free I will go with you.
A. Do you have time on Monday?
B. No, I have to go to work.
A. What about Tuesday?
B. Oh, I am free in the afternoon.
A. All right, I'll pick you up at 3 o'clock.