Bahasa Inggrisnya. narative . pakai past tense. Sorehari Engel pun telah bersiap untuk menghadiri pesta ulang tahun teman barunya itu . tapi satu hal yang tidak Engel bawa , Engel lupa menbawa kado yang masih ada di rumah . sesampainya di acara pesta ulang tahun Rachel Engel dimaki oleh Anggie anak orang kaya sombong itu . Cepat terimakasih banyak
In the afternoon, Engel had been prepared to attend her new friend's birthday party. But one thing she missed out was the birthday girl's present which she forgot to bring along with as she was away from home. As she arrived to the party, the arrogant rich girl, Angie, went mad about Engel's forgetfulness