1. Mr martin is my uncle or my mother's eldest brother
2. he is a very interesting man
3. he lives near us or near our house
4. Mrs angela is my aunt and uncle martin's wife
5. Anne and bob
6. 45
7. he has grey hair, blue eyes, a strong face, is tall, handsome and well built
8. blue
9. yes he does, he takes them off when he doesn't work
10. yes
maaf banget yaa kalau ada yang salah atau kurang jelas, please leave questions below and good luck (⌒ω⌒)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Mr martin is my uncle or my mother's eldest brother
2. he is a very interesting man
3. he lives near us or near our house
4. Mrs angela is my aunt and uncle martin's wife
5. Anne and bob
6. 45
7. he has grey hair, blue eyes, a strong face, is tall, handsome and well built
8. blue
9. yes he does, he takes them off when he doesn't work
10. yes
maaf banget yaa kalau ada yang salah atau kurang jelas, please leave questions below and good luck (⌒ω⌒)