During the weekend, I made my homework. I helped my grandma in the garden, then I went to have lunch my mom made. After that, I was bored, so I fed my dog and decided to go on a short walk. When I came home, I played a video game.
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Ej a przetłumaczysz jeszcze bo się skopiować nie da XD
w czasie weekendu, zrobilem zadania domowe. pomoglem mojej babci w ogrodzie, po czym poszedlem zjesc obiad ktory przygotowala moja mama. pozniej bylem znudzony, wiec nakarmilem mojego psa i zdecydowalem sie pojsc na krotki spacer. kiedy wrocilem, pogralem w gry komputerowe.
During the weekend, I made my homework. I helped my grandma in the garden, then I went to have lunch my mom made. After that, I was bored, so I fed my dog and decided to go on a short walk. When I came home, I played a video game.