błagam!!!!! krótka biografia zmyślona o dziadku! gdzie mieszkał kiedy sie urodził gdzie pracował przez pierwsze lata a gdzie potem!!! potrzebne na dzisiaj!!! pilnie!!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Mój dziadek nazywa sie Antoni Kwiatkowski. Urodził się 14 marca i 1936 roku w Kielcach w Polsce. Mia dwójkę rodzeństwa: siostrę Hanię która ma 70 lat i brata Marka, 69 lat. Jego matka zmarła gdy był dzieckiem, a ojciec zginął tragicznie w wypadku. Osierocony zamieszkał z wujem, od młodzieńczych lat roznosił mleko i gazety. Skończył liceum im. Bolesława Prusa i skończył studia dziennikarskie.
Najpierw pracował w Dzienniku Kieleckim,później przeniósł się do Warszawy i pracował 20 lat w Gazecie Wyborczej.
Jan Kowalski - my grandfather. I would't change anything in him, even if I could.
He was born on 13 of July in 1930 in Warsaw. He had been expected for a long time. His parents were very happy when they saw his son for the first time. He was very calm and quiet. When he was 7-year old boy he had started to attend to the secondary school in Warsaw. He was hard working, so it wasn't a surprise when it came out that he was the best pupil in his class. In high school he met his first girfriend - Maria. They were so in love that just after finishing their school they got married. Later, my grandfather was a student of Science. He was good at it so he got the job easily. He had been working in a laboratory. A couple years later his first child was born - it was my father. Unfortunatelly, his marriage was't as good as it was at the beginning. He got divorced, but 5 years laters he found a woman of his life and got married again. Now, he lives in a country house with his wife and they are the happiest couple I know.